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Hady Is Upstairs Again!

By Mo Mydlo

About a month ago my dog Hady hurt her knee. If you know my Border Collie you know she doesn’t move slowly. She hurt her knee in a hole that had been dug in our construction out back. The x-rays showed no breaks thank God, but it would be a little while for us to see how hurt it was. She’s been on some anti-inflammatory meds to help her heal. And…. thank God. She healed. Well, she healed physically, but she had some fears that took a little longer. Our stairs inside the house scared her for a while. I think she looked at them and would remember how it hurt when she would try them with a hurt knee. So she stayed downstairs or outside unless one of us would carry her up to be with us. Then, it happened. I was in the kitchen heating up ham for lunch. I guess the intoxicating smell of the ham overpowered her fear and she did the stairs on her own. I turned around and handed her a piece of ham out of habit not really thinking, she hadn’t been behind me cooking in weeks. I almost cried. I praised God for answered prayers. My sidekick is back. This morning as she laid by me during my prayer time, I thought, she did like David when he fought Goliath. She faced her fears head on, she didn’t run from them. She ran quickly into the kitchen for ham, like David ran quickly to the battle. Y’all, we will never take that next staircase if we let fear win. We have to overcome our fears head on, knowing the battle is The Lord’s. If we say we trust God but we never put that trust to the test and take a step of faith because we “feel” fear, we will miss out on the best this life has to give us. We have to feel fear, but not bow down to it, push through it, till we don’t feel fear anymore. That’s what my Hady did. And now… she gets to enjoy the Christmas tree with me, sleep on the floor at the end of our bed again, and of course, never miss another piece of ham ever again.

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