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By Mo Mydlo

God said to me in the middle of the night., “contentment.”

I said quietly, “okay Lord. I’ll write about that tomorrow.”

I’m now two days post surgery and I’m praising God I’m not one day post -op or first night post-op. Each day further along is a blessing.

I want to share something God showed me last night about 2am..

When I first came home yesterday I couldn’t lay down. I couldn’t get comfortable horizontal.

I thank God for our recliner that got me somewhat comfy in the afternoon while I cat napped in and out of a good Hallmark series. I told Tommy Mydlo I probably needed to sleep in the recliner last night.

While he and Eli were watching some football last night I felt I could sit in my bed and read. I fell asleep sitting up.

Tommy asked if I wanted to move to the recliner to try to get some more sleep. I felt God say, “try this.” I slowly padded myself on every side with pillows and tucked myself under the covers just enough to stay in bed. I didn’t need the recliner.

I felt comfortable, but something in me kept saying, “I could get comfier.” I thought “if only my arm was up, and maybe pull my legs up more, or maybe….”

I heard God ask “Are you not content?”

I decided to stay still and suddenly I was asleep.

The truth is, the more comfy we get the more comfy we want to be. Our flesh never feels satisfied, until we decide to say, “I have learned to be content in any and all circumstances, whether well fed or hungry, whether in plenty or in want.” But, the key is in the next part, “I can do all things through Christ, Who gives me strength.”

You know; to me, this verse is less about being successful and victorious, and more about being content because I don’t fight alone.

As I was fighting to stay content I simply focused on how thankful I felt that I was not where I was the night before; in a hospital bed counting hours until my catheter was out. I was able

to get up and pee as much as I wanted, and so that….spurred me on and made me thankful. This morning, I’m thankful for enough energy to sit and study and write as the painful gas from surgery is dissipating more and more each hour.

I am content.

And I can do this, because God told me I can.

Thankful. Beyond words.

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