By Mo Mydlo
Once again God spoke to me while I was working. I’ve been painting molding and doors in my house. This is needed almost yearly since we live in a home that occupies people and a lovely border collie who loves the outdoors like me.
Soap and water works for maintenance, but the white paint has to come out randomly for a fresh start.
Well, I started to just paint without wiping, thinking my day to day cleaning was sufficient before I start. Then, the dust that accumulated on the brush forced me to change my technique. I grabbed a rag, soapy water and a sponge to wipe first before I paint.
The Holy Spirit showed me that this is like us trying to “be good”without having our sins washed clean with the blood of Jesus and having our conscience continually washed in The Word. We can brush on some good works here and there, but it will truly only be covered with dead flesh. We can only do good for so long on our own. The Bible says “the flesh is weak.” Oh how true that is.
I can’t do anything of lasting value on my own. I am weak. I need my Jesus in order to be strong. I need Holy Spirit in order to be wise. I need God’s grace as it is sufficient, His power is made perfect in my weakness.
On our own, we are incapable of being clean. We must be washed.
If you are trying to do this life on your own, I simply want to ask you, How’s that working for you?
And, what’s is all for?
Are you constantly having to whitewash yourself with things or pleasures or money or power or fame or fortune or compliments to feel adequate? Because truthfully none of these things make your peace last. You need Him.
I’d bet my life on it and Jesus gave His life for it.
Make Jesus Lord today.
Let Him do the washing, otherwise, you’re just wasting paint.