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We are not to forget...

By Mo Mydlo

God has used dragonflies more times than I can count to speak to me supernaturally. Whether it is to confirm an answer to a prayer or to just help me feel His Love. This morning He did it again. I was weeding my garden and Eli Mydlo came outside to get in his car to leave to meet some friends somewhere. I said good bye to him, said “Be careful love. Drive careful please.” As E left the enemy tried to get me in fear about E’s safety. I did what I always do when my kids pull out of the driveway. I prayed Psalm 91 with their names right in it. I immediately felt peaceful, and I kept working. Two seconds later, fear creeped in again. I let the fear stay for about 1 minute. I should have rebuked it immediately in Jesus’ Name but I didn’t. Don’t forget we have the authority to do that. The next thing I knew, a dragonfly ran right into my forehead, hard! I was caught off guard by the buzzing. At first I jumped like it could be a bee, but deep inside me I knew it wasn’t. I said “It was a dragonfly right God?” And right in front of me was flying the prettiest dragonfly you could imagine. I immediately said “Thank You Jesus! You see me! You’re with me! You’re in me! I’m not alone and Eli isn’t either! He’s Unforsaken.” And….. peace returned. We are not to forget Who is caring for us: We are not to forget Who has a plan for us. We are not to forget Who is in us.

He’s never leaving. There is no need for fear. He is here. I love dragonflies more than words.

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