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"Trust The Head Farmer Himself"

By Mo Mydlo

If you bought a real tree and it’s time to take it down, don’t just put it by the curb, remember a local farmer who may have goats.

Goats love to finish off the branches on a pine tree. Pine trees are high in Vitamin A and C and can also serve as a natural de-wormer and probiotic for goats.

Isn’t God amazing?

He doesn’t waste anything. One of the main things I’ve learned from farming our small farm is, recycling, reusing and repurposing.

God is the ultimate farmer and

I love how God is always in the make-over business. He finds us in our mess, He scoops us up out of the trash heap we were living in before Him and He pours His blood on us, cleans us up, then gives us new purpose.

God doesn’t just make us new overnight, it’s a process. It’s not a one-day makeover. Sanctification takes time.

God sees an old dried up tree as food for ruminants.

He sees an old dried up sinner as a soon to be shining light for others to see.

Don’t waste anything! God doesn’t! He doesn’t even waste our pain. He uses it to shape us into something new.

Trust The Head Farmer Himself.

Watch God use your life for His glory. He’s got big plans for you.

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