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Starting Over Again

By Mo Mydlo

The past two weeks weather has done a number on my garden. I have to admit I was sad. I mourned the flowers and plants I lost, the time that felt wasted, and the thought of starting over again.

I was feeling emotionally burnt out from running and running since Thanksgiving and not stopping. Hosting and serving and pouring out, sort of hit me like a ton of bricks this cold and dreary week when I woke up to a garden covered in unwanted frost and what looked like death.

I decided I needed a soul rest and I spent all evening last night worshiping and studying alone.

God encouraged me to get out in the garden today and begin to clean it up.

I turned on worship music and slowly began shedding layers of clothes and sadness with every weed I picked and every dead branch I cut off.

I got to my sweet potato vine that saddened me as I was sure it was dead. As I pulled back the vine….. life came out. A beautiful large sweet potato came out attached to a few more potatoes in the ground.

It was like God winked at me, as if you say “Good job honey, we’re cutting back things to get to the fruit.”

Oh friends….. Our God is so faithful. He allowed me to find some fruit hidden beneath the mess.

It’s pretty much my goal this year to stop running like Martha and begin worshiping more like Mary.

After all, Mary chose what is better. And it won’t be taken from her, or us.

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