By Mo Mydlo
Does the Perfect Peace of Christ sound like an illusion to you? Do strongholds, mental anguish, addictions, and habits keep you from believing God’s peace is for you?
Allow me to testify….
God’s peace is something you already have if you are a disciple of Jesus. But, you may simply not know how to activate it.
God’s peace isn’t granted to the passive.
We must seek it.
The Word says “Seek first the Kingdom and His righteousness.” The Word says “Seek peace and pursue it.” The Word says “Keep your mind stayed on Him”.
Seek and Keep are actions.
We must seek peace to walk in it.
I do not believe Overcoming Anxiety will ever be a passive thing. Anxious people are not passive people.
If you are a person desiring peace.
You must seek it.
Pills or seeing the doctor aren’t enough yall.
I don’t want to sound judgy. I’m not saying many don’t need a little help getting levels figured out. But, anxiety is a behavioral thing, you need behavioral therapy as well.
You must learn to overcome evil with good. (Opposite action therapy)
You just learn to replace the poor thoughts with God-shaped thoughts. (Replacement therapy)
You must learn to Renew your mind.
Guess what?
I’ll be renewing mine until I go to Heaven someday.
I’ll most likely be renewing my mind the morning of the day God takes me. I pray I am.
We can’t get passive.
We must learn to trust God and not in our controlling nature.
We must learn to shut the enemy up by taking our authority. We must never stop learning from The Holy Spirit, how to get better and better at fighting the good fight of faith!
Why? Because God’s peace is worth it.
GOD’s peace returns to us every time we seek it again.
It already is ours. We simply must remember how to activate it. I’m thankful today for new and supernatural ways God keeps showing me how to activate His peace in my life.
It’s truly His desire that we rest and enjoy our lives. But, don’t mistake rest for inactivity.