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My Life is Based on a True Story

By Mo Mydlo

I owe my entire life to the greatest story ever written; God’s story of redemption through Jesus’ birth, life, death and resurrection.

Everything in my life revolves around telling as many people as I can about Jesus.

So, here’s another open book moment, so God can get the glory.

It’s the end of the year and I’ve used up every page in my latest journal. When I finish a journal I love to spend my quiet time with God looking back over the conversations, prayer requests and prayers answered by Him (which is all of them). He doesn’t always answer with the answer I want, but He always answers.

As I sit here thanking Him for this year’s entries, I am reminded of how He did a couple miracles i’m beyond grateful for.

Notes from family members blessing Tommy Mydlo and me with help at our farm after an unexpected hail storm.

Notes from a friend we helped with Restore Hope this year thanking me for not quitting the ministry because of my needing counseling again from a second round of compassion fever (or burn out)!

And a journal entry I now see as one of the many supernatural things God did for me and my health this year.

I was scheduled two times for a wrong surgery. God stopped the surgery the first time by giving a dream to a Christian woman that barely knew me about my surgery. Since I knew her walk with Jesus. I trusted she heard God and I cancelled the surgery.

Weeks later doubt creeped in and I thought I was “over-spiritualizing” it, so I rescheduled the surgery.

The day before the surgery Tommy and I were overwhelmed with a need to cancel it.

I didn’t really even know why. But God did.

The truth is, I was doing a band aid surgery when God had plans to heal me permanently.

4 months later after consulting with all of my doctors, it was decided for me to have a complete hysterectomy. (Not the surgery we originally planned to do.)

3 months later, I haven’t stopped thanking God everyday for His leadership, provision and loud “No!” When I was off.

God has blessed us in every way possible since the hysterectomy. He enabled my healing. He enabled my post surgery symptoms to level naturally and He provided the financials for the surgery.

He took care of it all. He always does. When we trust and obey.

This year has been a whopper of a year for us, blessing upon blessing (all wrapped up in hard work, and loving God and others).

I can’t wait to see what next year has to bring.

My life is based on a true story.

The story of re-birth; redemption and restoration. That story is available to all who bend a knee to The Master of The Universe, The King of All Kings, The Lord of all Lords, The reason for The Season, Jesus Christ.

Love you all. It’s a week from Christmas by the way. Don’t forget to celebrate Jesus’ birthday. He is worthy of our praise.

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