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Harvest Time

By Mo Mydlo

Harvest time with God isn’t always hands held high in victory…. Sometimes it is, like today when I finally after years of gardening am seeing my first bananas on our trees.

But, most days… harvest comes from digging….. not just like digging here for my sweet potatoes but digging into The Word of God for healing, digging in praying and seeking and WAITING (which is my biggest weakness).

I’m believing for some harvests I am yet to see, but I won’t stop digging. It’s the dirt stains on our knees in prayer days where we cultivate the best, future fruit. Like this basket of potatoes, broccoli and sweet potatoe leaves I’m eating for lunch today.

It’s God’s will that we produce fruit for Heaven. And that has nothing to do with gardening. That’s souls.

The goal, is still souls.

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